Complete Drug & Alcohol Testing Solutions

If you work in a company with safety-critical roles it is more than likely that you have some sort of workplace drug and alcohol testing policy in place. Even companies without safety-critical roles are implementing these policies to further ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of their staff.
Many businesses have got to the stage where they have identified the need for workplace testing, but are unsure how to go about it. Below we are going to outline how Randox Testing Services can work with you and help ensure the safety of your staff.
Complete Testing Solutions
As workplace testing becomes more common it is important that drug and alcohol testing service providers are equipped to meet the varying demands of different industries. At Randox Testing Services we possess a wealth of experience and knowledge that enables us to customise our packages to meet the needs of the customer, regardless of their location or industry. This knowledge comes from over 35 years of testing experience in the diagnostics industry and through our involvement with bodies that help shape legislation across the UK.
With a knowledgeable team in place we are then able to offer an educated opinion in to how our customers can best implement workplace drug and alcohol testing. Each of our customers are assigned a dedicated Account Manager who will manage the entire process and make recommendations based on customer needs.
The first step will involve a review of your current workplace drug and alcohol testing policy to ensure all wording and descriptions are relevant and accurate. Once the policy has been reviewed, recommendations can be made as to how the service can be rolled out.
With regards to testing options we can test oral fluid, urine and hair using the below methods:
Pre-employment Screening
The most popular type of workplace testing especially in industries which have safety critical roles. This type of testing is an essential part of a company’s recruitment process and clearly states the company’s position on drug and alcohol misuse for any potential employee.
Random Testing
A popular type of workplace testing as it acts as a deterrent to drug and alcohol abuse. A company’s drug and alcohol testing policy should clearly outline that they carry out random workplace testing ensuring employees should do not know when the event is planned.
With-cause Testing
Performed when a company is suspicious that an employee may be currently under the influence of drugs or alcohol. This suspicion is normally raised if an employee is acting out of character and there has been observed different behaviours.
Post-incident Drug and Alcohol Testing
Used to determine if drugs or alcohol may have contributed to an accident/incident in the workplace. This type of testing can be an effective tool in accident investigations and it is our recommendation that should an incident occur, all employees involved should be tested.
Abstinence Monitoring Drug and Alcohol Testing
Conducted as a follow up on a previous confirmed positive drug or alcohol test. If an employer provides support to an employee who has had a confirmed positive drug or alcohol test, this type of testing may be used to help with rehabilitation.
A combination of these methods can be used to ensure all areas are covered. Once again, an Account Manager will work with you to see which options would best suit your company needs.
Collection Training
Within Randox Testing Services we operate with a large network of trained collection officers. These officers are available to conduct sample collection, adhering to strict chain of custody procedures to ensure the integrity, confidentiality and traceability of all samples is maintained. Samples can then be screened on-site with any confirmatory analysis being done in our state-or-the-art laboratories.
If you would like to conduct on-site testing without the need for an external collection officer we can facilitate this training. Our training course will enable you or a member of your staff to conduct sample collection to the same standard as one of our collection officers. We can also supply you with the necessary kits to conduct this testing.
Point of Care Testing
Our point of care kits are all CE marked and can screen oral fluid, urine samples or breath samples. Our instant oral fluid tests can detect up to 10 drugs with one sample and our instant urine tests can detect up to 14. Uniquely, our panel includes a K2 Spice screen. For alcohol detection we offer Home Office approved breathalysers which can come equipped with a wireless printer.
Training and Education
Our complete service doesn’t stop at testing methods. We make sure our customers communicate any policy changes effectively to their staff and also offer drug awareness training seminars. This allows us to come into a company as a third party and share our knowledge with the people the policy is designed to protect.
Educational seminars offer a chance for the topic of drugs and alcohol to be discussed. This opens up a learning experience for employers and their employees and can be beneficial for not only the workplace but each individual taking part.
Contact Us
At Randox Testing Services we pride ourselves on helping our customers improve the health and safety of their working environment. Our expertise within this industry allows us to craft customised packages that will meet all the needs of your workplace. We go the extra mile to provide real value to our customers through added features such as regular, in-depth management information reports, and granting access to our secure online portal so that results are accessible at any time.
Our methods are flexible enough to adapt to any changes and our testing processes are accurate enough to guarantee reliable results.
To speak to our experts today, send your enquiries to, call 028 9445 1011 or visit