Drink Driving at Christmas time

Over the Christmas period many people will take the opportunity to see friends, family and celebrate the year. These celebrations can take many forms but often involve a drink or two. During December alone roughly 600 million units of alcohol are consumed in the UK which is 41% higher than any other time of the year (IAS). This brings huge implications to health and safety with excess drinking during the party season contributing to an increase in accidents on the road.
Each year many high-profile campaigns will take place around the issue of drink driving but despite this, around 100,000 drivers lose their licence each year because they have been caught driving over the limit (Lostock).
Last December a startling 149 people were arrested in the first two weeks of the police annual festive crackdown in Manchester – more than 7 a day. The first half of the operation seen 463 breath tests carried out (Greater Manchester Police).
Road users have a responsibility to themselves and others to keep the roads safe. Careless driving, a lapse in judgement or a slight delay in reaction can have fatal consequences. When alcohol is consumed judgement and reaction time is impaired causing a greater risk of accidents to occur.
In the UK (excluding Scotland), the drink driving limits are as follows;
- 35 micrograms of alcohol per 100ml of breath
- 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100ml of blood
- 107 milligrams of alcohol per 100ml of urine
Randox Testing Services
At Randox Testing Services we believe that when it comes to driving, the safest thing to do is not to consume any drugs or alcohol and then drive. Therefore, we have taken steps to raise awareness of the problem and help offer practical advice. If you have any queries please contact testingservices@randox.com
From everyone at Randox Testing Services we would like to take this opportunity to wish you a happy, healthy and safe Christmas and New Year.