What type of testing meets your workplace drug & alcohol testing requirements?

What type of testing meets your workplace drug & alcohol testing requirements?

Implementation of an effective substance misuse policy establishes employer rights to conduct workplace drug and alcohol testing if required. In addition, it ensures adherence to the duty of care of an employer to protect their workforce and keep employees safe. There are a range of approaches available to complement your policy to ensure a safer working environment. In this blog we take a look at two common types of testing; random testing and with-cause testing.

Random Testing

With knowledge that a test could be conducted with anyone at any time, random testing is the most effective deterrent of drug abuse or alcohol misuse among employees. Ensuring the integrity of staff across all levels, random testing can be conducted with employees at any level, from temporary employees to managers and directors.


The process includes ensuring a clear workplace drug and alcohol testing policy is in place. Employees should also be made aware that random drug and alcohol testing is carried out. This can take the form of a clear statement in an employee’s contract outlining that random testing can be conducted with little to no notice. Notification of this conforms to legislation whilst respecting employee rights.

Secondly, we will work with you to determine the percentage of your workforce you would like to test, and how often you would like testing to be carried out. Whilst we recommend random drug and alcohol testing should be performed at least quarterly, the decision is yours. To avoid employee discrimination and to ensure testing is random, we use our random selection technology to eliminate bias and provide accurate random selections.

Finally, we will arrive to your workplace unannounced to carry out sample collection from the random selection of employees.

Key Benefits

  • Deterring current employees from engaging in drug use
  • Preventing the need for substance abuse recovery programs
  • Employees are less likely to tactfully try to disguise results, or alter their habits, as they will be given little to no notice that a test will be conducted
  • Improving attendance and employee productivity

With-Cause Testing

Under the Misuse of Drugs Act (1971), if an employer suspects an employee is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, they are legally required to take appropriate action to protect the safety of the employee concerned, other members of staff and the public.


The nature of with-cause testing means that testing can be required ‘on-the-spot’. At Randox Testing Services we offer a 24-hour call-out service which guarantees an experienced collection officer will arrive to your company within a maximum of 2 hours to perform a sample collection. This service is available 24/7, 265 days a year and compiles fully with chain of custody procedures.


  • Legal compliance with correct measurements being taken if an employee is suspected of being under the inference of drugs or alcohol
  • Can deter employee misuse of drugs or alcohol due to a workplace testing policy being in place
  • Cost savings because of increased productivity with issues being discovered and rectified early
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